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About Mechanical Tunes

Here at Mechanical Tunes we believe that music should be free. It should surround us, filling the auditory emptiness of our daily lives.

The music you hear on the on this site is composed, arranged, and performed without human intervention. We have developped AI algorithms and machine learning models that assemble notes in pleasing structures, assigns instrumentation, and then plays each part with expression.

No external intellectual property has been used for any of the performances you will listen to. All of our analysis has been drawn from a wide range of open source material, or non-copyrightable aspects of more recent works.

We also realize that everyone hears the world in different ways. Some people miss out on high notes and others do not hear the low notes. Even others have to contend with tones they can't get away from that make music sound bad. Our music generation system can take these limitations into account and produce a coherent musical experience. Just take the hearing test found on your profile page and we'll do the rest.

Our privacy statement can be found here.

Feel free to reach out with questions, comments, and feedback at john@mechtunes.com.